海淘优惠码 > 商家大全 > 恒天然优惠码 > 恒天然

  • 网站名称:恒天然
  • 网站地址:https://www.fonterra.com/cn/zh.html
  • 支付方式:支持visa、 mastercard、 american express、paypal
  • 优惠码使用:恒天然优惠码怎么使用
  • 恒天然运费详情: 恒天然直邮和转运情况
  • 网站简介:全球知名的乳制品出口企业和牛奶加工企业,旗下拥有安佳、安满、安怡、NZMP等乳品品牌,恒天然在中国运营着涵盖乳品原料、餐饮服务、消费品牌和牧场在内的整合业务作为乳制品出口企业和牛奶加工企业之一,恒天然深受众多食品企业的青睐,其自有的乳品品牌在新西兰、澳大利亚、亚洲、非洲、中东以及拉丁美洲市场上也是佼佼者。中国是恒天然集团十分重要的市场。如今,恒天然在大中华区运营着涵盖乳品原料、餐饮服务、消费品牌和牧场在内的整合业务。恒天然旗下的产品及业务品牌包括:安佳、安满、安怡、安佳专业乳品专业伙伴和NZMP。恒天然在中国设有两个奶牛养殖基地,分别位于河北省玉田县和山西省应县。与雅培共同投资兴建的第三个奶牛养殖基地目前正在建设中。恒天然的两个奶牛养殖基地共有3万多头泌乳牛,每年生产超过3.5亿升牛奶。恒天然大中华区总部设在上海,并在中国大陆地区的多个省份以及香港和台湾设有分公司。大中华区共有1700多位员工,在恒天然四大价值观的指引下,不断专注于推进整合的业务战略。
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    Fonterra is a world-leading dairy nutrition company from New Zealand. It provides dairy products that are of the highest quality, with a commitment to sustainability, innovation and health. They have a strong focus on providing nutritious, safe and natural products that are made with the utmost care and respect for the environment.Fonterra provides a wide range of dairy products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter and cream, as well as infant formula and other nutritional products. Their products are backed by science and nutrition experts, and they have a commitment to providing the highest quality ingredients and products. Their products are available in more than 140 countries around the world.Fonterra has a strong commitment to sustainability and animal welfare, and they are committed to using sustainable farming practices and animal welfare standards. They are also dedicated to providing innovative solutions that help to reduce the environmental impact of their operations.Fonterra is a leader in the dairy industry and is committed to making a positive contribution to the health and wellbeing of its customers. They have a strong commitment to providing safe, nutritious and delicious products, and they strive to provide the highest quality products to their customers.总的来说,Fonterra是一家来自新西兰的世界领先的乳制品营养公司,提供最优质的乳制品,致力于可持续发展、创新和健康。它们专注于提供营养丰富、安全和天然的产品,用最大的照顾和尊重环境制作。Fonterra提供各种乳制品,如牛奶、奶酪、酸奶、黄油和奶油,以及婴儿配方和其他营养产品。它们的产品得到科学和营养专家的支持,并致力于提供最优质的成分和产品。它们的产品在全球140多个国家都有销售。Fonterra对可持续发展和动物福利有坚定的承诺,致力于采用可持续农业实践和动物福利标准。他们还致力于提供创新的解决方案,以减少其操作的环境影响。Fonterra是乳制品行业的领导者,致力于为客户的健康和幸福做出积极贡献。他们坚定地致力于提供安全、营养和美味的产品,努力为客户提供最优质的产品。
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